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Baltimore Red Hat "Hons"

Small Red Hat BeautyMedium Red Hat Beauty Large Red Hat BeautySmall Red Hat Beauty
"When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple and a red hat which doesn't go and doesn't suit me....I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired...press alarm bells...pick flowers in other people's gardens...learn to spit. And make up for the sobriety of my youth." We embrace the thoughts and sentiments expressed
in this inspirational poem, "Warning" by Jenny Joseph, with "hattitude"!

The Baltimore Red Hat Hons became the first official Red Hat Society Chapter in Maryland in February 2001. We are an eclectic group who celebrate our ethnic, racial, social and professional diversity. We have shared the joy of discovering that we have, at last, reached an age when what others think about us doesn't matter; we are no longer bound by conformity. We are free to be ourselves!

Red Hat Hons:
Eat dessert first.
Aspire to laugh much and grow old playfully.
Are proof that there is life after wrinkles.
Embrace the freedom age brings.
Practice being audacious older women.
Are not for the faint of heart.
Feel challenged to live the second half of life outrageously.

All About The "Hons"

Purple Stick Lady Members
Purple Stick Lady Events - Past and Future
Purple Stick Lady Sayings and Quotations
Purple Stick Lady Stories and Commentaries for Women of a "Certain Age"
Purple Stick Lady Links to Websites of Other Maryland Red Hat Groups
Purple Stick Lady Lagniappe - A Little Something Extra

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